• brain­po­lo a pub­lié une note il y a 2 mois

    Dr. Steven Beck­er was born and raised in Cana­da, where he attend­ed col­lege and med­ical school at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Man­i­to­ba, Cana­da. He earned his med­ical degree at age 22 and after prac­tic­ing in Cana­da for a short peri­od, he and his fam­i­ly moved to Hous­ton, Texas. He received his spe­cial­ty cer­ti­fi­ca­tion from the Amer­i­can Board of Fam­i­ly Prac­tice and his Fel­low­ship in the Amer­i­can Acad­e­my of Fam­i­ly Physi­cians soon there­after. By 2000, his prac­tice, which is locat­ed in Houston’s Memo­r­i­al area, had grown to over 20,000 active patients, while employ­ing six Fam­i­ly and Inter­nal Med­i­cine physi­cians. In 2010, he restruc­tured his prac­tice into a hybrid concierge style med­ical prac­tice in order to con­tin­ue to deliv­er the high qual­i­ty med­ical care that his patients have learned to expect from him. His inter­ests extend to clin­i­cal research, as Prin­ci­ple Inves­ti­ga­tor in 30 clin­i­cal research stud­ies. He has a strong Health­care Infor­ma­tion Tech­nol­o­gy back­ground, acquired dur­ing the research and devel­op­ment of clin­i­cal med­ical soft­ware. Dr. Beck­er con­tin­ues to seek an under­stand­ing of lead­ing-edge con­cepts, dis­cov­er­ies, and tech­nolo­gies and to stay abreast of devel­op­ments in Med­i­cine and relat­ed fields.

    vis­it web­site : https://stevenbeckermd.com/