• hen­r­ry a pub­lié une note il y a 2 mois

    Search­ing Geor­gia for the ide­al par­ty loca­tion? We have a range of event venues all over the state, includ­ing our flag­ship site, 655 Exchange Cir in Beth­le­hem. From busi­ness gath­er­ings to wed­dings and birth­day par­ties, this gor­geous and roomy venue offers a spe­cial and sophis­ti­cat­ed set­ting for any occa­sion. With every­thing you need to make your meet­ing unfor­get­table, our Beth­le­hem event loca­tion will enthrall and wow your vis­i­tors. Dis­cov­er your per­fect Dance Place venue with us and enjoy an amaz­ing envi­ron­ment meant to improve any event.