• Ele­na Stokes a pub­lié une note il y a 2 semaines

    Hel­lo, my name is Johan­na, I am the founder and own­er of Joule of Joy. Joule of Joy is a small busi­ness based in Los Ange­les, CA. I start­ed this busi­ness with one thing in mind and that was for every­one to be able to pur­chase cute jew­el­ry at an afford­able price. I, per­son­al­ly, love to accen­tu­ate my out­fits with a vari­ety of acces­sories from ear­rings to neck­laces and rings to bracelets. I believe jew­el­ry gives you an inner sense of joy and helps you feel more con­fi­dent. Acces­sories are vital in real­ly mak­ing an out­fit pop, no mat­ter the occa­sion. My only hope is that with my small busi­ness I am able to help pro­vide and ensure that each cus­tomer feels as beau­ti­ful as they are by allow­ing their jew­el­ry to exert that. There’s a piece of jew­el­ry for every per­son and I would love to help you find yours. Thank you for sup­port­ing my small busi­ness. vis­it for more info: https://jouleofjoy.com/