• bfansari72 a pub­lié une note il y a 1 an et 10 mois

    My pro­fes­sion­al back­ground is that of a Dig­i­tal Mar­keter at Bytes Future Com­pa­ny. We Pro­vide Ser­vices to busi­ness­es and start-ups, Our Ser­vices is Dig­i­tal Mar­ket­ing, Web­site Design/ Devel­op­ment, 2D/ 3D Video Ani­ma­tion, Social Media Mar­ket­ing / Man­age­ment, SEO, SEM, PPC, Logo Design/ Devel­op­ment, Mobile App Design/ Devel­op­ment, Web Host­ing, Soft­wares Design/ Devel­op­ment, E‑Commerce, & More.